Thursday, February 28, 2008

Out with the Moon..

Today the moon enters it's final phase before becoming a "new" moon. Astrologer KT suggests that this phase is when we can:
let go of outmoded habits, possessions, relationships or anything else that might be preventing us from moving on to the next phase of life. Acknowledge what you're releasing. Recognize how it has benefited you in the past, but accept that those days are gone. Then let it go. When you start following the Moon's rhythms, you'll find that this is a very natural way to organize your life and bring yourself into synch with the cycles of nature.
I love this idea of cycles.. of spending part of a month finishing things, letting them go and clearing the decks so that a phase can begin with the new moon.

I'm going on away for 4 days with some friends beginning this afternoon. I am almost certain that this will be the last time I go on this particular retreat. So I will spend these days acknowledging the relations for what they have been and for what they are. Then release my expectations for something different. I'm not quitting the friendships, just quitting this weekend. I think I've grown away from it.

There are other ways that I've started to release those things that hold me down: old clothes, never-to-be-completed UFOs, home decore items that just don't work.

Things won't be finished by the new moon.. there are still phases to go..

I also blog at: Deb's Daily Distractions and BlogHer on Mondays and Saturdays.

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