Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I Am Proud to be An American

For the first time in over 8 years, I am proud to be an American. The election of Barack Obama as our 44th President fills me with hope.

However, the work has just begun. We cannot wipe our hands clean, sit back, and rest on our laurels. Wresting the Presidency away from people who used divisive techniques, force and swagger to promote their agenda is just the starting point.

Now we have to learn how to grow as a UNITED nation again. Put away the "us" and "them" in favor of the "we".

In the next several months and years, we must work together to solve our economic problems, to find a workable plan to our energy future, to educate our population, to fight the growing epidemic of obesity.

These are just a few of the problems WE have to solve. Which means each of us needs to examine our personal priorities and commit to continue working forward with the same (or more) energy than was expended in this political battle.

What ISSUE are you willing to commit your time and voice to in the future?

I also blog at: Weight for Deb and BlogHer on Mondays and Saturdays.

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